The recent past has witnessed unprecedented growth in the advancement and global use of mobile technologies. The industry of the smartphones is driven by rapid development in technical implications. It has in fact, influenced substantially plethora of industries and modern aspects of human lives. Due to exponential and explosive growth in the sector of mobile technologies the gaming industry has also got influenced. As a result of this, the core focus of gaming has slowly drifted from console gaming and PC to mobile gaming.
The digital markets are the app stores where the competition is intense and game developers have to be active on their feet always to offer the latest and the best services. There are different types of mobile gaming and they all have specific targeted users. So the tastes and preferences of the end customers are to be kept in mind and proposed quality has to be ensured. This will help them to get attracted to the games and experience the thrill.
The following discussion will help you look at the probable futuristic scenario of mobile gaming and what to expect from it.
Augmented and Virtual Reality: Google has recently come up in the market with their Google Daydream which has opened up multiple opportunities for mobile games and VR innovations. Other prominent players in this domain which deserves mention are Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Rift. Similarly console gaming giants like Play-station have their own VR established in the market. AR is an overwhelming concept and loads of developers are waiting to enter this domain. It will also enable in creating multitude of games to meet the demands. For games with AR embedded features location based advertising will be used for targeting players at the right time and place along with generating revenue.
Trends of Monetization: There are several ways to monetize games as game developers need to make money. While in game ads and traditional paid downloads are still continuing, the current trend is more towards monetization models like free to start and free to play. The success of games like Jurassic World and Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes has encouraged many similar games to incorporate free to start and free to play features so that the players can get a real feel of the game at the very beginning and then can proceed to pay for either additional boost packs or to unlock the entire game.
However, established game development companies and brands can put fixed price tags and can still avail huge downloads based on the reputation. For example, Super Mario Run will enable the users to download it for 10$ for its mobile version. Given the tag of Mario this game is believed to be in demand and can fetch money due to its goodwill.
Cloud Gaming Applications: This concept is still in its infancy stage but is definitely much in demand among global players today. This technique will be used mainly for sophisticated and high end gaming where there will be zero requirements for hardwares. We hope to see this technology booming in near future as game developers are constantly on the lookouts for making games with innovative features and benefits to increase the number of players throughout the globe.
Roll outs which are beyond fixing bugs: Developers traditionally roll out updates to fix up bugs or glitches so that the game can be played in an uninterrupted way. But in modern times the updates help in new missions, enhancements, better game play and the likes which make the games more attractive and interesting. The main purpose of these updates is to spice up the games so that it do not loose its entertainment value for the players.
Gameplay and graphics: The configurations and specifications of the smart phones are continuously improving. These devices are becoming powerful and faster with time and hence the games developed for mobiles have become intensive graphically and ensure seamless gameplay. If technologies can develop at the current pace, then one day will come when mobile devices will surpass their console and PC counter parts in the world of gaming.
This article will help you know few points that can influence the future of mobile gaming. The development and growth of technologies will bring in new features that will make games more realistic and enjoyable. The developers are doing research to find out ways to make technologies affordable so that more people can be attracted to the world of mobile gaming.