HTML5 : An Overview

Initially browser games were created using Flash technology. But with days passing by, technologies have undergone a sea change and HTML5 productions came into existence. The growing popularity of this technology has encouraged mobile game development company to discard Flash and accept this flourishing platform to develop varied engaging and interactive games. You can get in touch with a reputed

HTML5 game development company to stand out in the current competition.

HTML5 uses JavaScript language in which the games are programmed. HTML5 game development helps in delivering APIs for new solutions such as WebGL, Canvas, WebAudio Which are regarded as vital components. These components also facilitate in smooth functioning of games. To turn your gaming concepts into playable content you can Hire dedicated html5 developer. The base of HTML5 is Canvas which helps in displaying proper graphics possible.

With support from WebGL, Canvas enables in drawing graphics which are accelerated by GPU. Apart from this, WebGL which is based on OpenGL ES 2.0 offers interfaces for 2 and 3 dimensional graphics.

Because of all these attributes HTML5 games created are playable, immersive and can really impress avid gamers.


USP of HTML5 Games in 3 steps

HTML5 game development company has an array of advantages to attract and retain gamers. This platform develops games which encourages players to explore till the last.

Cross Platform

HTML5 games are capable of running smoothly across platforms to meet the desired aspiration of the gamers.

Unique Distribution

The hyperlinks of HTML5 can be easily distributed across mobile devices and web for better user experience.


It helps in reflecting the interaction of the elements within HTML. It helps in quick creation of HTML5 games.


Unique Characteristics

The noteworthy features of HTML5 has made it suitable for creating both web and mobile version games of varied types.

Full screen API: It helps in providing methods for presenting definite elements in full screen mode. It also facilitates in

exiting full screen mode when it is no longer required. Although it has no interface of its own, but still enhances various interfaces for adding properties, methods, event handlers etc to enable full screen functionality.

Web Audio API: This feature offers versatile and powerful system to control audio on the web. In this way it allows developers to select audio sources, create audio visualization, add effects to audio, apply spatial effects such as panning etc.

Gamepad API: HTML5 has come up with vital components necessary for interactive and rich game development. Latest technologies like canvas, WebGL, audio, and video along with implementations of JavaScript have reached a matured level where they can complement many tasks which previously require native code. The gamepad API has been a boon for the designers and developers to use and access game controllers and gamepads conveniently.


Importance of HTML5

For designing and coding the front end of emails or webapps, you will require CSS and HTML. While HTML is responsible for structuring and containing information of a website, CSS helps in polishing things to make them look attractive.

With various game programming html5 tool, you can create interactive games and mobile apps. Easy to start with: Basic CSS and HTML are simple and hence is easy to start. Aspiring beginners who are willing to become web and game developers can start out with HTML/CSS and can experience its programming taste. Although these two are not core programming languages, but can introduce you to the rules and syntax of programming. For creating HTML5 apps and games you need to have a fair

idea of JavaScript. However, it is also quite easy to learn for the beginners. HTML5 enabled game development services can help in quick completion without hampering the proposed features and functionalities.

Fun tools: For creating hybrid mobile apps and browser based games, you can Hire html5 programmers.

Scalability: HTML5 has the ability to create diverse games that can meet the varied requirements of the gamers.

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